Ssolenopsis invicta
Size: There are many sizes of workers in the colony, ranging from 1/8-inch to almost 3/8-inch in length.
Color: Reddish brown.
It is easily distinguished from other ants if one is unlucky enough to be stung.
Fire ants pose a health risk to anyone venturing into areas where the ants are
found. Although the vast majority of stings result only in a raised welt that
may develop a white pustule, a person allergic to insect stings could experience
a more serious reaction. Additionally, a person seldom receives just one sting.
Rather, dozens or even hundreds of stings can be inflicted quickly on a person
accidentally kneeling or standing next to or on a fire ant mound.
These ants
nest in the soil and construct large mounds that are easily seen in lawns and
pastures. A single lawn may contain a dozen or more mounds. This ant will also
locate nests within landscape mulch and beneath items on the ground, such as
landscape timbers. The mounds of such colonies may be shallow and poorly
structured, making them difficult to detect for the less experienced eye. Fire
ants may construct mounds next to the foundation and enter homes through weep
holes or other exterior cracks and holes. Once inside, workers forage in trails
beneath the edge of carpeting. On occasion, the ants will bring soil up into
walls or beneath first floor bathrooms and construct a nest.
Tips for Control
Because of the health threat posed by fire ants, it is important to take steps
to control the ants around the home and in the yard. Over-the-counter fire ant
baits can be effective if properly used, but regular applications are necessary
because the ants readily reinvade from neighboring properties. Many homeowners
employ the services of a professional company, such as Diamond Pest Control, to provide fire
ant services. |