are commonly found in close association with human dwellings and
are widely distributed in tropical countries. This species is always
found everywhere that man exists and has adapted itself extremely
well to man’s environment. Flies can have a negative psychological
impact because their presence is considered a sign of unhygienic
conditions. They are transmitters of diseases primarily because
they feed on human and animal wastes. The bacteria present in these
wastes, stick to the mouth, footpads and hairs of flies and may
then be deposited on food or feed for human or animal consumption.
This species has sponging mouthparts so it cannot eat solid food.
It regurgitates digestive fluids onto its food and then sponges
up its digested liquid meal.
Any building can be plagued by houseflies, but those located near
farms and pastures are likely to experience more flies than other
structures. Houseflies rarely breed indoors, but if they do, the
site is usually a trash container that hasn’t been cleaned
for a while or possibly rotting vegetables or fruit in a box in
a restaurant storeroom or kitchen.
Service Provided
In most cases involving houseflies around homes, the ways
to them are Sanitation (Eliminate all sources of attraction) and
Exclusion (Keep out flies by the use of window and door screens).
For long-term relief of fly problems, engage in professional services
like Diamond Pest Control.
Non-Chemical Measures
The use of devices such as ultraviolet – light traps, sticky
fly traps and baited flytraps can eliminate many flies in indoor
Chemical Control
Insecticide baits can be used to aid in house – fly control.
The baits should be distributed where flies congregate inside
and outside buildings. However, the baits must be out of reach
from children and animals.
Space sprays are insecticides with excellent fly knockdown properties,
applied using mist blowers, fogging and / or ultra low volume
(ULV) foggers.